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Friday, July 2, 2010


Around 7km further east from Hasalaka, the bustling town of Mahiyangana is recorded in the great chronicle of Lanka as the first of the three places in Sri Lanka which the Buddha himself visited. The others areKelaniya Royal Temple & Adam's Peak. Following the launch of greatest modern irrigation scheme of Sri Lanka, the Mahaweli Ganga (Mahaweli River) Scheme, the town was laid out to serve the new irrigation districts.

Opposite the temple, north of Kandy Road, six statues of Sinhalese leaders have been erected: three ancient kings & two modern stalwarts of the nation.

Devanam Piya Tissa (the famous Deer Hunter, first convert to Buddhism in Lanka). King Dutugamunu of Ruhuna (the hero of the nation who rescued the island from marauding South Indian invaders). King Parakramabahu the great (the great warrior & great tank builder). King Kirti Sri Rajasinghe (the architect of 18th century Buddhist revival). The first Prime Minister of Ceylon Rt. Honourable Don Stephen Senanayake (the irrigation genius who oversaw Senanayake rainwater reservoir, Gal Oya & Uda Walawe irrigation projects) & Prime Minister Dudly Senanayake, who oversaw the Mahaweli Project, the source of the town's importance & prosperity.

History of Mahiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya

The stupa was built by prince Saman of deva tribe of pre-historic Lanka (other two tribes were Yakka & Naga) during the first visit of Buddha to the island. It was rebuilt by the hero of the nation King Dutugamunu of Ruhuna (161-136 BC) & has been restored many times by a succession of kings: King Voharaka Tissa (214-235 AD), King Sangabodhi (251-252 AD), King Sena the 2nd (847-900 AD), King Kassapa the 4th (912-928 AD), King Vijayabahu (1065-1119AD), King Narendrasinha (1705-1737 AD) & King Kirti Sri Rajasinha (1746-1778)

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