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Friday, July 2, 2010


Lowamahapaya or the main monastery or the brazen palace is situated in between Sri Maha Bodhi and Ruwanwelisaya towards the east direction. There are 1500 stone pillars which are erected in forty rows and there are 40 stone pillars in one row. It is mentioned in that these stone pillars had built due to the advices of the king of Maha Parakramabahu.The piece of land where these pillars had erected has the shape of square and the size of one side of the foundation is about 200 inches. The width of Lowamahapaya in the past history was about 200 inches in size. It is clear that when we measure the size of these stone pillars that there may be a huge building on it. Recently, one storied building which is similar to a house called as “Pohoya geya” has built on it.

King Devanampiya thins has given the place where we see the ruins of Lowamahapaya to the Bikku sasana to use it to do “Sanga karma” by building the place called “Uposathagara” according to the advices of Arahanth Mahinda Maha thero during the period that Sri Lanka was gifted Buddhism. This place was named as “Maha Muchala Malaka” during the period. Later on, king Dutugemunu changed it to a massive palace. It is squared building. It was 9 storied palace with 100 windows, 16 rooms and the length of the one side was200 inches, height of the building as same as length in size.

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