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Friday, July 2, 2010


As mentioned in me Mahavamsa, king Mahasena (276-305) built me Jetavanarama cetiya and the monastery within the boundaries of the Mahavfliara. It was built in the Joth park which was earlier known as the Nanadana park.213 This vihara was offered to the "hypocrite, the plotter and the lawless" Kohantissa mero who dwelt in the Dhakkinarama vihara. The account of the establishment of the Jetavana vihara clearly proves that even though the king had been hostile towards the Mahavihara, He was still a favourite of the Abayagiri fraternity to which the Dakkinarama vihara belonged. Furthermore the king had built this vihara within the Mahavihara premises without heeding the objections made by the Bhikkhus of the Mahavihara. The vihara was then given to the said Kohantissa thero. As this monk was accussed of an offence of the gravest kind (parajika offence), it was investigated by a minster and on being proved that , me thero was guilty, he eas, disrobed and expelled from the order.217 Afterwards the Dakkinagiri Bhikkhus occupied^ the Jetawana viharaya. Bhikkhus of the Dakkhina vihara were also known as Sagalika. Nikaya because of the prominence beld by the Bhikkhu of that name who lived in the, viharaya. The Jetavanarama was also called by the names of Denanaka and Denavehera . Founders of the Jetavana vihara were those who broke away from the Abayagiri, monastery as mentioned earlier.

The construction of the Jetavana cetiya, commenced by king Mahasena was completed by his son Maghavanna.1 This was the largest cetiya at Anuradhapura which, was originally 400 feet high. At present the height of the cetiya is 231 ft a is part of the spiral has fallen down. During the excavations it was found that the cetiya was constructed on a solid foundation made of bricks to thickness of 26 feet217

It was the 3rd tallest building in the world during that time. 2 pyramids were higher than Jethawanaramaya. However pyramids were not constructed using bricks

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